Marco Lurati

RGB Color Lab

How computer sees colours


The "RGB color lab" project shows children how the computer sees colors.
In other words, the child can understand how the RGB system works by testing different physical colors and seeing the amount of red, green, and blue in it.

As output, the R, G, and B levels are displayed on the bars of LEDs to easily and immediately, get the relation between physical color and digital "translation" of it.

The second functionality of the device is to generate the colors digitally, like in Illustrator, e.g., by sliding up and down the R, G, and B sliders.

The result is displayed on the output panel with the individual intensity of each channel and the mix of them on top as the resulting color (like it happens on the screen with the pixels).

The project attempts to explain in a simple, fun, and playful way, without numbers, how the RGB color system works on the computer (generally speaking).





MAIND SUPSI, Creating Tangible Interfaces course


Orly Golan


Massimo Banzi


The project is based on many LEDs for the RGB levels indication and the output display. For that reason, two Arduino boards were necessary to manage them.

The trickiest part has been the calibration of the three light sensors (photodiodes) with a red, green, and blue filter, respectively, in front of them.

As a color sensor is very rough, it has been an arduous and lengthy process to calibrate it and find the right mix of colors to display.

In the following pictures, the technical part is shown in detail.


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