Marco Lurati


Innovative learning program to teach enviornmental data

- file://CvbCeEFHkpnlI2lD


A one-year learning experience for five schools of Lugano to allow primary school children to produce and understand environmental data related to their urban environment and to develop context-based tools, technology, and methods.

More specifically, the TAC project delivers an open syllabus with the documentation of hands-on educational activities and open tools that allow teachers to teach using environmental sensors and simplified electronics in class.
An electronic kit, a mobile station, and a web app will help students understand the urban and natural environment through data science while developing more sustainability awareness.







Serena Cangiano Daniele Murgia

photography by

Claudia Cossu


TAC resources and tools

The outcome of the TAC program consists of a TAC kit to be used by the students during the lessons actively, a TAC mobile station with more sensors intended for more extended stationary measurements, the Syllabus containing guides on how to run the educational activities, and the TAC web app to visualize and collect data during the activities.

The TAC kit and mobile station have been developed from the ground up, both the electronics PCB and the 3D printed enclosure.

The brain of the electronic board is an Arduino MKR WAN 1310 with LORA capabilities for data transmission.

The 3D-printed enclosure is made in ASA plastic, a specifically made polymer suitable for staying outside in the UV light and any weather.


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